How Long Can I Leave A Leaky Roof

Most people know that a tiny leak can turn into a huge problem in no time, but it can be hard to find accurate information regarding exactly how much time you have. Today, we’re clearing up misconceptions around roof leaks, hopefully answering the big questions about the nerve-racking period of time that follows the discovery of a leak.

How long until it starts causing more damage?

This is the hardest question to answer, as it depends entirely on your specific situation. Variations include the material the roofing is made out of, what your attic space is like, what internal drainage measures you may have, the wood used in your home’s construction, and even what kind of weather you’re currently having. The easiest way to answer such a broad question is therefore the safest: it will start causing more damage immediately, and demands attention as soon as possible.

If you take the risk and decide to wait and see how much worse it will get, it’s highly likely that you’ll end up paying much more in the long run. It’s best to talk to a roofing expert, and listen to what they recommend. Keep in mind that the investment you are putting into your roof is going toward keeping all of your personal property safe.

What kind of damage could it lead to?

At the very least, a leak will stain your roof. As the water soaks through the roofing material, it will colour the rafters, and drip onto the ceiling, or even leak into the walls, leaving being nasty water marks.

The next most common damage is mould, which can be a major health hazard. If mould persists, it can rot load-bearing wood and seriously harm the structural integrity of your house.

Following this, a roof leak left unchecked can result in water getting into your home’s electrical system, damaging room and mains breakers, or damaging all the appliances and electronics you have plugged in.

Who can you call?

Any amount of rain is liable to make a leak worse, even in summer, and even a small leak can turn into a big one down the line. Here at Paul Milne Roofing, we take leaks seriously, and we respond quickly. Leak investigations and repairs are a skill all of their own – many tradespeople don’t have the resources to tackle them properly – Paul Milne Roofing has a team of specialist roofers, and we stand by our work. When you call Paul Milne for help with a leak, we won’t leave until the job is done.

If you’re worried about watermarks on your ceiling, or you’d like a regular roof check to prevent leaks developing in the first place, call Paul Milne Roofing. For more information, download our leaky roofing checklist here!

Leaking roof